Gard’Vin On/Off Power L’Atelier du Vin


It’s a precious ally for sommeliers, wine merchants, and anyone passionate about wine.


This fully automated vacuum pump, used by many oenologists, cellarmen and restaurants, makes an elegant and subtle addition to the tasting table.

The Gard’Vin On/Off Power is a gem of technology that helps preserve fine wines for longer after opening them. It also comes with three valve sealers, so you can enjoy just as many bottles of wine for several more days without losing a drop.

What makes it special is its efficient, precise vacuum technology.
The air is removed automatically, with a sound signal and white LED with different flashes indicating when the process is underway or finished.
The electric pump switches itself off once the vacuum is complete.

Enjoy your finest wines at their very best, for longer.

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L’Atelier du Vin